Electrolysis For All.
Before & After Care

Before Your Appointment - How to Prepare
DRINK WATER - Drink lots of water before, the day of, and the day after your appointment. It is very important to come to your appointment well hydrated. Well-hydrated skin can help the treatment be more comfortable. Hydrated follicles will ensure a more effective treatment because electrolysis works by using the water content in the follicle. Dehydrated follicles are much more difficult to treat. Try to avoid things that will dehydrate your skin, such as caffeine and alcohol.
TRIM HAIR - Please refrain from short term hair removal before your appointment. Do not pluck, wax, epilate, or thread the hair for at least 2 weeks prior to your appointment. Avoid shaving for 3-4 days before. Keeping the hair trimmed allows your electrologist easier access to the hair follicle. In order for the probe to follow the hair follicle, there needs to be at least 1/8th of an inch of hair above the surface of the skin.
PAIN RELIEVER - Many of our clients feel that they do not need any type of pain reliever, some even fall asleep! Depending on the area that you are permanently removing hair from, and your personal pain tolerance, you may need a little help. Taking a pain reliever such as Ibuprofen, 45 minutes before your appointment will make your treatment more comfortable. A topical anesthetic numbing cream such as 5% lidocaine may also be applied to the area at least one hour prior to your appointment. A thick layer of anesthetic cream, no larger than the size of your palm, should be applied to the treatment area. Cover the treatment area with saran wrap to oclude the area and ensure maximum effectiveness of the product. Occlusion therapy is a proven way to greatly increase the effectiveness of topical skin treatments. Numbing creams can be found over the counter or by prescription from your health care provider. * Stress, fatigue and too much sodium can influence the comfort level of your treatments.
COMFORTABLE CLOTHES - Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes. If getting chest work done, a button-down shirt can be helpful. Draping techniques are used for our client’s comfort and privacy.
SHOWER - Please be courteous of your electrologist and arrive showered prior to any electrolysis work, especially for areas such as genitals and underarms. In such a case that your electrologist cannot work, she will kindly ask you to reschedule your appointment. Your electrologist has the right to refuse services and you will be charged in full for the missed appointment.
AVOID CAFFEINE - Avoid stimulants such as coffee or caffeinated sodas on the day of your appointment. This could make you more sensitive to pain. Some female clients have reported more sensitivity during their menstrual cycle and should avoid making appointments around that time. The higher your pain tolerance, the more effective your treatment will be. It is best to work as close to your pain threshold as possible for the most effective treatment.
AVOID SUN - Avoid sun exposure 48 hours prior to your treatment. Doing so may dilate your blood vessels and could lengthen your recovery time.
AVOID RETINOIDS - Do not use Retin A, or any topical retinoid for at least 1 week prior to your electrolysis treatment. Accutane should be discontinued for at least 6 months prior to electrolysis. Having electrolysis services done while on retinoids could result in permanent pigment changes and scarring.
Electrolysis After-Care
Following your treatment, DO NOT TOUCH OR SCRATCH THE TREATED AREA! Bacteria are on everything and by touching your skin you are transferring bacteria from door knobs, etc. to the treated area. This can cause a breakout (whiteheads).
When possible, DO NOT WEAR MAKE-UP over the treated area for 24 hours. Translucent powder is permissible but the ideal is to not apply any kind of makeup.
AVOID PERFUME OR ALCHOL BASED PRODUCTS. They will dry out your skin. You can wipe the area with witch hazel, if needed.
KEEP YOUR SKIN MOIST AFTER TREATMENT. This is very important. TPHRC staff will suggest what is best based on your skin type. This may include aloe gel, antibacterial ointment or other creams that you would apply to the treated area the night after your treatment and the next day. This will help your skin heal even faster, especially facial areas. Always apply with Q-tips or clean hands. If your skin is still irritated on the second day, we may suggest you apply a Hydrocortisone cream (Cortisone, Cortaid, anything with 1% hydrocortisone or hydrocortisone acetate). It is anti-inflammatory and will reduce redness and swelling.
AVOID EXCESSIVE SWEATING. Sweat can cause bacteria to enter into the open follicles and cause white heads to develop. As noted in the pre-care section, exercise before your electrolysis appointment instead of afterward is okay.
AVOID THE SUN for the next 72 hours to help in the fight against hyperpigmentation. Your skin defends against UV rays by producing pigment, which will deflect some of the harmful rays. Always wear sunscreen.
DO NOT SWIM IN A CHLORINATED POOL for the first 48 hours following treatment. That also applies to jacuzzis and saunas.
IF SMALL SCABS APPEAR, DO NOT SCRATCH THEM AWAY. This can cause scarring. Allow them to fall off naturally. This is nature’s way of healing the follicle that we have treated. (the scabs are lymph fluid that has drained out of the follicle and dried up) Keeping the area moisturized will often curtail the formation of scabs. The more moist you can keep the area after treatment, the less likely you will have scabs.
If discomfort should occur in closely treated areas, apply an Epsom salt compress: Add 1 tsp. Epsom Salt to 1/2 cup warm water, mix and soak up with a washcloth. Lay washcloth over treated area for 10 minutes and repeat until discomfort subsides.
If you are not able to come in as soon as you would like for your next treatment, DO NOT TWEEZE THE HAIR. The offending hair can be shaved, clipped off with small scissors, bleached or you can use a depilatory such as Nair.
Remember: Re-growth is to be expected. Try to return when enough of first re-growth occurs, the roots are shorter and weaker and therefore can be treated more effectively.